How Does Invisalign Work? It’s so Magical!

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How Does Invisalign Work? It’s so Magical!

How Does Invisalign Work? It's so Magical!

Invisalign is so amazing! How does a small transparent gadget make messy teeth in good shape?! How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign is a fairly new dental treatment that straightens the teeth, but unlike braces, they are removable and almost invisible! This post will delve into the technology behind Invisalign and explain how it works to straighten teeth effectively and comfortably. I really hope this post can help you!

What Is Invisalign?

You won’t even know you have Invisalign on, and it’s as comfortable as your favorite shoes and can change colors like a chameleon. That’s Invisalign, the superhero of aligners these days.

Instead of traditional braces, Invisalign uses a set of clear aligners to move your teeth into the right place gently.

What Is Invisalign?

Almost no one will be able to tell that you are wearing these aligners because they are made of a smooth, clear plastic that fits snugly over your teeth.

How Does Invisalign Work? (The Principle)

We all know steel braces work when the doctor sticks a clip on the tooth and then attaches an archwire. The archwire is used to apply force to the teeth, which straightens them.

metal braces

You can’t move Invisalign with clips; instead, you need to use “attachments,” which are those little bumps on the teeth. Orthodontists choose a light-curing plastic close to your teeth’ color. The mold is then made using an extra template, and the mold is glued to your teeth.

1. Enhance Fixation

It’s easy to understand. The teeth are smooth, and the braces are also smooth. During the wearing of braces, speaking or friction between lips and teeth can cause the braces to move.

How Does Invisalign Work? Enhance Fixation

The attachment is like a small dowel that fits into the retainer and makes it more stable.

a dowel

2. The Braces Exert Force on the Teeth

People with Invisalign wear the whole set on their teeth, with the attachments, so that their teeth have more than a few “handles” that help them better control the direction of the adjustment force and the movement of their teeth. Different types of attachments have different force effects, such as:

How Does Invisalign Work? (The Principle)
  • As the rectangle attachment ② in the picture above, it can control the total movement When the molar moves near or far or up or down.
  • The rotation attachment ⑤⑥⑦ in the picture above is used to control the movement of the front teeth.
  • The jaw pad attachment ⑧⑨ in the picture above is used for grinding teeth to help keep the bite open, etc.

How Does Invisalign Work? (The Technology)

The process starts with a careful examination of your teeth. A 3D digital scan or impressions are made to make an exact treatment plan. After that, high-tech computer software makes a number of aligners, each one a little different from the last.

  • 3D Imaging: A full 3D digital scan of your teeth is the first step in the Invisalign process. Specialized tools, like an intraoral camera, are used for this scan to take clear pictures of your teeth and gums.
How Does Invisalign Work? 3D Imaging(The Technology),
  • Treatment Planning Software: Your dentist can use this software to change the virtual model of your teeth, which lets them try out different tooth moves and guess how your treatment will turn out. Not only that, but it also helps you picture your teeth moving into the right place part by part.
How Does Invisalign Work? (The Technology), Treatment Planning Software
  • Custom Aligner Fabrication: After you decide on a treatment plan, the software gives detailed directions for making your custom aligners. 
How Does Invisalign Work? (The Technology), Custom Aligner Fabrication
  • SmartTrack Material: SmartTrack aligners are stretchy and fit snugly over your teeth. This makes sure that they stay in place and are comfortable during treatment.
  • Iterative Aligner Series: Each tray shows a different stage of your teeth moving. The trays are meant to be worn in a certain order, with a break between each one every 1 to 2 weeks. Then, you move on to the next tray in the set. 

I have to say, who the hell came up with this technology for straightening teeth?! That’s awesome!

How Does Invisalign Work? (The Process)

Invisalign works like magic. For a few months, you wear thin plastic braces in your mouth. When they’re done, your teeth will be straight, and your smile will be beautiful. But this method for fixing without any gaps doesn’t just happen. Invisalign was the first clear aligner to hit the market in 1997. This company has spent millions of pounds to learn how teeth react to their method and then improve the process until it is perfect.

Step 1: Consultation

At the first meeting, your dentist will examine your teeth and discuss your treatment goals. They will let you know if Invisalign is a good option for you.

How Does Invisalign Work? (The Process), Step 1: Consultation

Step 2: Make a Treatment Plan

If you are a good candidate for Invisalign, your dentist will make a treatment plan just for you. High-tech 3D imaging is used to make a digital copy of your teeth and a plan for the exact moves needed to get the desired results. During the treatment, you will get a sneak peek at how your smile will change.

Step 3: Custom Aligners

Custom aligners will be created for you based on your treatment plan. The clear, BPA-free plastic used to make these braces fits over your teeth tightly. That’s because each aligner is different from the last one.

Step 4: Wearing the Aligners

After receiving your aligners, wear them 20–22 hours a day. They can be taken off to eat, drink, brush, and clean. Remember to follow your dentist’s directions for optimal results!

How Does Invisalign Work? (The Process), Step 4: Wearing the Aligners

Step 5: Progression and Switching Aligners

Before going on to the next set, you will usually wear each set for 1 to 2 weeks. You will slowly move your teeth as you move through the braces. Every new aligner builds on the work of the one before it, slowly moving your teeth into the right place.

Step 6: Dental Checkups

Invisalign requires regular dental or orthodontic checkups. During these visits, your dentist can see how things are going, make any necessary changes, and make sure that your teeth are moving the way they should.

Step 7: Treatment Completion

Congratulations! Once you have gone through the entire series of aligners, you will reach the end of your Invisalign treatment!

How Does Invisalign Work? (The Process), Step 7: Treatment Completion

Congratulations! Once you have gone through the entire series of aligners, you will reach the end of your Invisalign treatment!


1. Are braces worth it?

Without a doubt, It’s worthwhile because braces will improve your health, confidence, and smile!

2. Is Invisalign worth it?

Invisalign is definitely worth the money. It is much easier to keep your teeth clean than metal brackets and bonding. But please note that some cases may need to be advanced to qualify for Invisalign, and traditional braces are more appropriate. Either way, aligning your teeth is a wonderful investment both aesthetically and for functionality. Good luck!

3. How fast do teeth move with Invisalign?

There are a lot of things that can affect how fast your teeth move with Invisalign. These include how complicated your case is and how well you follow the instructions for wearing the aligners. This depends on the person. Invisalign treatment can take a few months to a few years to finish.


  • Keli Cobb

    Keli Cobb, an exceptional content writer with a knack for uncovering the true worth of products and apps at Keli's passion lies in exploring and dissecting the intricate details of tech gadgets and software to help readers make informed decisions.